Thursday, May 28, 2009

How to Submit Site Map for Blogger's Blog to Google Webmaster's Tool

You might have submitted your blog to Google search and got it listed but not all your pages got listed in Google. In this case your need to create account at Google Web Master Tools and submit the site map of your blog in the following manner.

  • Go to and login
  • Add your blog or website URL to webmasters tools dashborad
  • Then verify your blog or website using meta tag method
  • Once your website is successfully verified from Dashboad click on your blog or website to go to its configuration
  • Here click on "Sitemaps" in the left sidebar
  • There you can find input box to submit site map URL which starts with your blog URL as shown in bellow image
  • My blog's URL is and hence my blog's sitemap URL will be like
  • If your blog has less amount of post then you can use the above URL and submit it (Note in text input box wirte only atom.xml?redirect=falese and click on Submit Sitemap button)
  • But if your blog has more amount of posts in that case determine the number of posts of your blog and submit multiple site map URL in the following format (I have less than 300 posts so following will serve my purpose)
  • If you have more amount of post than you can submit more such site map URLs
  • After submitting it will look like following:

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Sunday, May 24, 2009

Embed Images within Blogger Post

While creating the post and embed images within the post if you wish to embed images with the post then here is simple way using blogger image uploader

Alternate ways to upload images
  • Register for flickr, photbucket, Picasa or any other free image hosting website as mentioned here
  • Upload all images to the free image hosting website
  • Now get the Image URL of the uploaded image
  • Now while creating post for your blog, select Edit HTML tab for editing post content in the HTML mode
  • There you can write the code similar to following to embed the image
<img src='IMAGE URL'/>
  • Where IMAGE URL is the URL of the uploaded image.

Related Articles
How to disable coping images in your blog or website

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Friday, May 22, 2009

Can not delete page element from blogger Layout / Template

When I was trying to remove Page Element / gadget / widget form my blog's Layout / Template, there was an error page appears and and I can't be able to any thing about this.

The error was like following

Additional information:
blogID: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
uri: /display

After getting this error first thing you can do is log out of and and relogin to and check whether the Page Element / Gadget / Widget is deleted or not?

If you are still getting similar error then, Try to some the following work around and it may work fine for you

  • Clear the browser cache, cookies, temporary files ( For Firefox users go to Tools->Options->Privacy and click on button Clear Now and select all the options here then click on button "Clear all private data now") (If you are using Internet Explorer then go to Tools->Internet Options in the General tab click on Delete button and there click on Delete All button)
  • Logout of
  • Close the browser
  • Use Firefox instead of IE it is still not working
  • Use instead of blogger in draft (
If any one else is also facing the similar issue then please let me know following things.
  • Which error code are you seeing?
  • When did you find observe this error?
  • Are you moderating comments from email, or ?
  • Where are you located (city and country)?

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Blog is marked as Spam or Possible attack site or Removed by blogger - What to do next?

Blogger has automated spam detection system to fight with spam blogger. If you blog is not a spam or attack site but still blogger marked as spam or attack site don't worry about this. First you need to do following things

  • Not you must perform following steps at and not at blogger in draft or blogger beta
  • Check all the third party widgets you have installed on you blog using HTML / Javascript, any of them might be having spammer or attacking code. If you doubt any one remove those or else simplly remove all of them. You can search on the google regarding those widget to get better idea, whether they are spam / attacker or not?
  • Next thing you should do is send Not A Spam request to blogger form you blogger Dashboard at (You may not find this option at blogger in draft i.e. and do the word verification for human detection
  • There may be a case your blog may not be reviewed by the blogger team. You should keep requesting for Not A Spam every 5-6 days
  • You blog might get removed spam mark in 20 days or it may take 2-4 months also (for one of my blog it took more than 2 months)
  • There is a chance that your blog may get deleted because it is marked as spam then also you can keep requesting for review of your blog (In case of deleted blog, if it is not visible then go to end of you Dashboard there you can find link Show All and you blog will be visible as grayed)

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bX-x8b8a6 - Error while importing blog posts from the xml file

I have observed problem when you try to import the posts to blogger using exported XML file. and the error could be of the following form

Aanvullende informatie
blogID: 6575707802645668884
uri: /

Or it hangs at the importing screen.
Or there my be some different error message.

In any of the above case you first go to "Edit Posts" of your blog from the Dashboard and verify that whether the post which you were trying to import are imported or not. In my case even if got the one of the above error then also the post was imported successfully.

If they are not imported successfully you need to do following work around before you try again to Import the posts

  • Clear the browser cache, cookies, temporary files ( For Firefox users go to Tools->Options->Privacy and click on button Clear Now and select all the options here then click on button "Clear all private data now") (If you are using Internet Explorer then go to Tools->Internet Options in the General tab click on Delete button and there click on Delete All button)
  • Logout of
  • Close the browser
  • Use Firefox instead of IE it is still not working
  • Use instead of blogger in draft (
This problem appears to have started within the 3-4 days, if any one else is also facing the similar issue then please let me know following things.
  • Which error code are you seeing?
  • When did you find observe this error?
  • Are you moderating comments from email, or ?
  • Where are you located (city and country)?

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How to remove empty spaces on left or right side of your blog? Increase the width of your blog template - Solutions for sidebar folling down

Many blogger template comes with spacing at the left and/or right side of the blog. Which seems to be wasting of so much space of your blog. Also I have seen problems on some blog that side bar gadgets are displayed at down side instead of being at side bar. The solution for this is to increase the total width of your blog as well as increasing the width of sidebar and the main section of your blog.

If you are using standard template then following are very simple and easy steps to increase the width of your blog. For this you need to edit the HTML template of your blog. But don't worry it is very easy perform this.

  • Login to and you are at the Dashboard
  • Now click on Layout link for the blog for which you wanted to change the template
  • Got to Edit HTML and you can see the HTML template for your blog
  • Here first take the backup your blog template (Click here to know how to take a back up of blog template)
  • Now select check box for Expand Widget Template
  • Now from the HTML template code search for defination for #outer-wrapper which can be similar to following
    #outer-wrapper {
    width: 660px;
    margin:0 auto;
    font: normal normal 100% 'Trebuchet MS',Trebuchet,Verdana,Sans-serif;
#outer-wrapper {
width: 80%
font: $bodyfont;
  • Here you can see that value of width is specified as 660px; in your case it can be different or may be specified or given in the form of percentage. To reduce the spacing increase the value of the width or to increase the spacing decrese the value of width. (Note this is total width of your blog). Here the value of width is given in the pixels(px), hence it becomes fixed for specific resolution. To fix this globally for all kind of resolution provide the width in the percentage format (e.g. width: 100% or width: 85%)
  • Hence you code can be similar to following (Note: only change / add the value width and not any thing else)
#outer-wrapper {
width: 100%;
margin:0 auto;
font: normal normal 100% 'Trebuchet MS',Trebuchet,Verdana,Sans-serif;
#outer-wrapper {
width: 100%
font: $bodyfont;

  • As we have changed the width for outer-wrapper we need to change the width of main-wrapper , sidebar-wrapper and header-wrapper
  • You can look for #main-wrapper and change the width of main-wrapper as we have done for outer-wrapper (Note: Changing main-wrapper width changes the width of the post section. Hence if you have side bar then don't give width for main-wrapper to 100% or in case of pixel based width it should be smaller than outer-wrapper and also total sum of width of main-wrapper and sidebar-wrapper should be always less than width of outer-wrapper)
  • Similarly for changing the width of sidebar-wrapper, look for #sidebar-wrapper and increase or decrease its width to change the width of side bar (Note: Changing sidebar-wrapper width changes the width of the sidebar section. Don't give width for sidebar-wrapper to 100% or in case of pixel based width it should be smaller than outer-wrapper and also total sum of width of main-wrapper and sidebar-wrapper should be always less than width of outer-wrapper)
  • Now the final thing is to search for the #header-wrapper and change the width for it as it was done for others. (Note: This will change the width of header section.)

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Intel MID for Internet access

Even hard to say how many times we heard the beautiful promises about the MID (Mobile Internet Device - portable devices for Internet access), but did not see any live ones. Competition these devices with a diagonal of up to 7 inches, as stated in the past «clarification» Intel, which has invented the concept of this gadget, now a netbuki, internet tablet, and, of course, different QWERTY-phones with large displays (eg, Nokia E90, HTC Touch Pro). But this concept, developed by Czech designer Jan Rytirom (Jan Rytir) looks very healthy and, in our opinion, will go down in history even if not realized in the «iron». QWERTY-keyboard equipped with a trackball, in the end, next to the stereo speakers are 7 user-customizable buttons. The device is equipped with 2 ports USB, standard connectors for connecting a microphone and headphones, and the card reader for memory cards format SD. Complements the picture of a widescreen OLED-display, and operates all facilities managed by the platform Intel Atom.

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Thursday, May 21, 2009

Blog Doesn't load / aborted at Internet Exlporer - Problem with Follower Widget / Gadget

I have seen lot of people reporting problem at Blogger Help Group regarding their blog does not load or aborted at Internet Explorer and work fine at Firefox or any other browser. This seems to be very serious issue form the blogger. I have observed that this issue is with the blogs which has Follower widget / gadget from blogger or Google friend connect.

I also suggested many blogger to remove it and it will work fine for them. If you really worried about your Internet Explorer visitors then you should remove this Follower widget temporarily until blogger fix this issue.

If you are also facing the same issue and if it works well after removing Follower gadget or widget (Or please move Follower Gadget at the last in the side bar) then please post a comment stating the details or else if you found any other work around then please let me know

If still there is a problem in loading the blog in IE (Internet Explorer). I will suggest you to remove all your HTML / JavaScript widgets / gadgets (like music player, some webcounter / visitor counter, slide show or any other not from blogger) one by one . There may problem with one of them and don't forget to take backup of each widget / gadget's code before removing them. I hope this will make your blog working in IE.

If you remove those gadgets one by one so that you can detect that which gadget is causing the problem and fix the problem in that particular gadget later on

Update: Blogger has accepted this as bug please check over here

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How to enable or disable Formatting based compose mode while creating new post?

When your are creating new post for any of your blog at the, you may need to do various formatting like changing the font type or size, making the text bold or italic, assigning the color to the text, changing the alignment of the text, bullets and numbering option

This opting can be found at the compost mode of your blog create posting section. (While Creating new post or Editing the existing post, at the right side top you find the "Compose" tab click on that and you will have all kind of formatting option)

If you do not find the Compose tab or formatting options are still not visible then enable it at the following location

  • Go to Settings for your blog
  • And you are at Settings -> Basic, here scroll down to the bottom
  • You can find the option "Show Compose Mode for all your blogs?" select Yes from the drop down and click on SAVE SETTINGS button at the bottom
  • Now go to Create / Edit Post and you will see the Compose mode and also all kind of f

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How to delete comments from the post of the blogger blog

If you have enabled commnet posting user can post comments for your blog now if you wish to delete unwanted commnets then please apply following steps

  • Login to
  • Now go to the page where your want to delete the comment
  • Now if you have inline comment you can see the comments bellow the post or else click on comments link to view the comments
  • Once you can see each individual commnets there will be "Trash" icon for each comments click on the "Trash" icon for the commnet which you wanted to delete
  • Then confirm deletion of the commnet and comment gets deleted

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Wednesday, May 20, 2009

How to write HTML / XML / Javascript code within post section as it is

If you wanted to publish some HTML or XML or javascript code withing a post and if you wish it should be visible as it is when it is published then here are some tips for that. From HTML code convert following characters to the relevant escape code as mentioned bellow and in the same order

  • Replace all & symbol with &amp;
  • Then replace all < with &lt;
  • Replace all > with &gt;
  • Now replace all " with &quot;
After this you write converted code in the copose section of the post please see the bellow example if your code is
<a href="" > Latest Jokes </a>
Then you should convert it to
&alt;a href=&quot;; &gt; Latest Jokes &lt;/a&gt;

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Blogger Feed not update for newer post at Google Reader, Technorati, Blog Roll or any other Feed Reader

I have seen complaint regarding blogger feed is not updating for newer posts at Blog Roll, Google Reader, Technorati or any other feed reader or displaying tool

Here is some simple work around for this issue using Feedburner customized feeds

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bX-gc7ujn or bX-crozx2 - Blogger Error: When Trying To Delete A Comment

Few days back bloggers trying to moderate (Publish or Reject) comments report problems when deleting comments, on blogger help group

After verifying that the comment should be deleted, I click the button "Delete comment", then I get the error message.
Additional information
blogID: 4580604485477474567
postID: 4845049469364954266
uri: /
When you get above or similar error from the blogger, first check that whether the thing you are trying to do (e.g. deleting or moderating comment) is done successfully or not? It might be the case that you got the error but the task is successfully completed

The simple work around for this is
  • To clear the browser cache, cookies, temporary files ( For Firefox users go to Tools->Options->Privacy and click on button Clear Now and select all the options here then click on button "Clear all private data now") (If you are using Internet Explorer then go to Tools->Internet Options in the General tab click on Delete button and there click on Delete All button)
  • Logout of
  • Close the browser
  • Use Firefox instead of IE it is still not working
  • Use instead of blogger in draft (
  • If you are still getting same error The last thing you can

This problem appears to have started within the 3-4 days, if any one else is also facing the similar issue then please let me know following things.
  • Which error code are you seeing?
  • When did you find observe this error?
  • Are you moderating comments from email, or ?
  • Where are you located (city and country)?
Note: Even if you get this error but the comment which your are trying to delete might get deleted or the task which your were trying to do might have already done

If you are still not able to fix then check following additional Info as per John's Comment:

Blogger have admitted it's a "Known Issue" but they have not fixed it yet.

If everyone can go to this link

and click "report it" to indicate you are having the problem, We might get the attention of the programmers are blogger.

Meanwhile it seems we just have to wait and keep revisiting that page to find the status of the fix.

Hence in this case to avoid publishing spam comments on your blog please make it moderated using this article

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Friday, May 15, 2009

How to Recover - Undelete Deleted Blogger blog?

If you have deleted your blog by mistake and then you wanted to recover it then here is step by step guide to recover it.

  • Log in to and you are at the Dashboard
  • Here go at the bottom of the blog and here click on the link named "Show All"
  • After this you will be able to see your deleted blog in a ghostly gray print
  • And also able to see "Undelete this blog" next to deleted blog name
  • Then click on "Undelete"
  • Blogger will report success or failure immediately and your blog is recovered now

Note: Currently, Blogger keeps your blog for 90 days after you have deleted, then after it is completely deleted. After this you can not recover it

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Monday, May 11, 2009

Open Social: Getting Started Tutorial using GGE (Google Gadget Editor)

If you are new to Open Social, then first thing you can do is try some sample open social apps / gadgets on iGoogle using Google Gadget Editor (GGE) it has lot of sample apps / gadget examples available to use various kind of Open Social APIs.

To use Google Gadget Editor (GGE), please check the following steps

  • Go to htttp:// and login / sign in using your gmail / google id
  • After this you are at iGoogle home page
  • Now to install Google Gadget Editor (GGE) app / gadget / widget to your iGoogle home page go to and click on Add it now button to add Google Gadget Editor to your iGoogle home page
  • After adding you can click on File -> New withing this Google Gadget Editor
  • It will display list to samples as shown bellow
  • In the category drop down you can select whether you want to see Popular Gadgets or API Examples
  • You can open any examples and have look at its code as a reference while building your app / gadget / widget
  • After doing all this you can edit the code accouring to your requirements or copy & paste your own code here
  • Click on File -> Save As to save your newly created gadget
  • Once it is saved you can check your gadget / widget / app in the Preview tab, to verify how it will look when it is deployed
  • When eveything is alright you can click on File->Publish to publish your app / gadget / widget to iGoogle
  • It will show dialog with 3 options as bellow:
- Add to my iGoogle page

- Publish to iGoogle Directory

- Add to a webpage
Among this click on Publish to iGoogle Directory and your app / gadget / widget is published to iGoogle directory

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Color Picker by Jinsun Park

Designer Jinsun Park from Korea has come out with a simple tool called Color Picker. Place the pen against an object and press the scan button, the color will be detected by the color sensor and the RGB cartridges in the pen will mixed the required inks to create the target color.

Designer : Jinsun Park

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Thursday, May 07, 2009

How to support line break / paragraph in the blog post ?

You must have seen when do proper formatting in the blog post with paragraphs and multiple lines, then multiple lines and paragraphs are not seen after post .

Here is very simple solution to enable paragraphs and multi-line formatting

Login to and your are at Dashboard
Click on the Settings link for the blog
Now select Formatting tab
Now you are at Setting -> Formatting for the particular blog
Here just scroll down and change the value of Convert line breaks to Yes as shown in the bellow image

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Adsense Allowed Site Configuration - How to show your adsese ads on your selected sites only and not on any other site?

If you have adsense account and you are worried that some might use this publisher id on spam / porn site to block your account then here is very simple solution for this using Allowed Sites configuration for Adsense

  • Login to Adsense account
  • Then click on Adsense Setup tab to select it
  • Now click on Allowed Sites
  • Here by default radio button for Allow any site to show ads for my account is selected and that's why your publisher id's ad can be displayed at any website
  • Now to restrict this select radio button for Only allow certain sites to show ads for my account and in the bellow Text input box give URL of all your sites / blogs and click on Save Changes button
  • Now ads will be displayed on other sites but its impression and clicks wont be recorded by Google Adsense.

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Wednesday, May 06, 2009

How to create Blog Archive Widget Without Date / Month / Year using Feedburner?

If you like to create custom widget for the blogger which shows list of post titles only without date / month / year then you can do this using feed burner.

  • Create customized feed using feedburner (Note: if you wish all your post listed in the feed then while creating the feed burner feed give your feed URL as . For example for my blog I should use )
  • If there is an error stating "Your feed filesize is larger than 512K. You need to reduce its size in order for FeedBurner to process it. Tips for controlling feed file size with Blogger can be found in Tech Tips on FeedBurner Forums, our support site." while creating feed then you are not able to show all your posts on your blog, so in this case use smaller number for the value of max_results while creating custom feed. (For example in my case I have more than 250 posts but I have used
  • Now create feed redirection on blogger blog
  • After go to Publicize section for your feed on feed burner
  • In this section select Buzz Bosst
  • If it is not activated the scroll down to the end and click on Activate button to activate this

  • After activating this scroll down to the end and here select following options
  • Number of items to display = All
  • Select check box for Display feed title (if you wish to display tittle of your blog)
  • Select check box for if you wish to display favicon
  • Similarly you can select or deselect check boxes as per your need as shown in the given image
  • After making desires changes click on Save button to save the changes
  • Once it is saved you can scroll up for getting the code for the widget.
  • There are 2 methods to get the code and create the widget / gadget on the blogger
  • One is select Blogger option in the dr0pdown for Use as widget and click on Go button
  • This will redirect you to blogger and ask you for login to if you are not already logged in.
  • If you are logged in to it will show you drop down for selecting the you blog where you place this widget select appropriate blog and save this and every thing is done
  • Second method is copy the script code as shown in the above image and Add HTML/JavaScript gadget / widget (at Layout -> Add Elements section of your blog)to blogger and paste this code in the content section of the widget
  • Save you blog template and every thing is done

Related Articles

How to have Add a Gadget option for Blog Post section of the blogger’s blog and how to make Blog Post gadget / widget moveable?

How to have Add a Gadget option for Header section of the blogger’s blog and how to make Header gadget / widget moveable?

How to add / Change Header image of blogger’s blog?

How should I restore my blog’s logo after changing to custom template?

How should I change my blog’s logo?

Change the order of the blog post archive

How to enable / disable adsense ads for the blog post widget ?

My blog is lost or forgot username / password of blogger blog

How to change scroll bar color and look and feel for a blog or website / web page?

Blogger Link list with the scroll bar support - link list with large set of links

How to change value of Older Post / Newer Post / Home for the blogger's blog

Enable / Disable receiving comments alert on email for blogger blog

How to make comments for blogger's blog moderated and How to moderate comments ?

Embed adsense ads withing post

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Tuesday, May 05, 2009

How to block follower / add as a friend to follower on blogger blog?

If you are having blogger blog, you will have followers widget for every blog by default. In this case any visitor can become your follower. Now if you wanted to moderate it and blog any follower here are some simple steps to do this. Or else if you wish to Add the follower as friend then also check the bellow steps (just ignore block part)

  • Login to and you are at the Dashboard
  • Here, for every blog of you an see followers link if it has minimum one, as you can see in bellow image Technical Details blog has 8 Followers
  • Click on Followers Link for the blog for which you want to block some follower
  • It will show list of followers as shown in bellow image
  • Now click on the picture of the follower which you wanted to block
  • This will show updates and links of follower as well as link for blocking the follower
  • Click on Block This User Link and follow the steps and the follower gets blocked from following your blog.
  • If you don't want block the follower but add as a friend then click on Add as friend as shown in the above image

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Changing Blog Permission for Reader / Visitors

If you want your blog to be accessed / viewed by only selected visitors then you need to make this blog private or if you wish to make blog should be accessed / viewed by everyone than make it public. Or else you can restrict it to invited visitors also as mentioned in following steps

  1. Login to and you are at Dashboard

  2. Click on the Settings for the blog you want to delete
  3. Now you are at Settings->
  4. Go to Permissions
  5. Now you are at Settings->Permissions here select Only blog authors radio button in the Blog Readers section
  6. This will show alert as shown in bellow image click on ALLOW AUTHORS ONLY button
  7. Now everything is done your blog will not be visible to outside world
  8. If you are willing to make your blog public than in the Blog Readers section select Radio button for Anybody
  9. And if you wish that it can be viewed by your friends / family members / some known persons only then click on radio button for Only People I choose and then invite all the peoples you want them to view your blog

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How to Delete the Blogger Blog ?

If you want to delete your blog at any point of time and here are two methods of deleting the blog

Method 1: Delete the complete blog

  • Login to and you are at Dashboard
  • Click on the Settings for the blog you want to delete
  • Now you are at Settings->Basic
  • In the Basic Tools section you will have link for Delete Blog. Click on this link
  • It will show you alert as mentioned bellow
  • You can export the blog by clicking on export it link as shown in the image if you want to backup it before removing it
  • You can click on CANCEL button to cancel deletion
  • You can click on DELETE THIS BLOG button to permanently delete your blog
  • Note: Your blog's content will be deleted after 90 days so it will be accessible to visitors using its URL.
This method has some kind of risks involved
  1. Your blog URL can be taken by somebody else who is spammer
  2. Your blog's URL can be used by some one to take benefit of page rank of your blog.
  3. Someone may grab your blog's URL and fake your identity and may upload some porn content
  4. And once you have deleted the blog you will not have control on any of these
Method 2: Don't delete the blog but delete all posts and make this private
  1. Login to and you are at Dashboard

  2. Click on the Edit Posts for the blog you want to delete
  3. Now you are at Posting->Edit Posts
  4. Click on All link to select all posts
  5. Now scroll down to the bottom of the page and click on the DELETE SELECTED button
  6. If there are still more posts left the repeat step 4 and 5 until all the posts are deleted
  7. Now click on Settings link on the top or go to Dashboard and click on settings link for the blog you wanted to delete
  8. Go to Permissions
  9. Now you are at Settings->Permissions here select Only blog authors radio button in the Blog Readers section
  10. This will show alert as shown in bellow image click on ALLOW AUTHORS ONLY button
  11. Now everything is done your blog will not be visible to outside world and it's URL is still safe

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How to remove blog / site form Google index?

I have already discussed in my previous post regarding"How can you add your site to Google Search Index ? " Now if you have done this and your site has been included in the Google search index, now if you are willing to remove this site form Google index then here are few simple steps to do this.

You can instruct Google not to include content from your website or blog in Google Search index or to remove content of your site / blog that is currently in Google Search index.

If the content is currently in our index, we will remove it after the next time we crawl it. To expedite removal, use the URL removal request tool in Google Webmaster Tools.

Reference :

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How change the location of the uploaded Picture / Image in the blogger post?

When you upload image / picture to the blogger post the image / picture will be uploaded at the top of the post. Now you will be interested in placing the image / picture at desired location. By default blogger does not support placing the uploaded image / picture at the desired location. This task you need to do it manually as mentioned in the following steps

Method 1

  • Upload the image / picture to the blogger by clicking on "Add Image" in toolbar.
  • This image / picture is uploaded at top of the post section.
  • Now select this image by clicking the mouse button on this image.
  • Now keep mouse button pressed and drag / move the image and leave the mouse wherever you want to place the image / picture
  • Note: You can move image / picture in the visible section only to move down the image which is not visible follow Method 2
Method 2
  • After image / picture is uploaded and visible at the top, select image / picture by clickin the mouse.
  • When image / picture is selected, cut the image using CTRL+X on keyboard and now go to the part of the post, where you want to have this image/picture (i.e. move the cursor over there) and paste the image / picture over there by using CTRL+V on keyboard
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How to have Add a Gadget option for Blog Post section of the blogger’s blog and how to make Blog Post gadget / widget moveable?

How to have Add a Gadget option for Header section of the blogger’s blog and how to make Header gadget / widget moveable?

How to add / Change Header image of blogger’s blog?

How should I restore my blog’s logo after changing to custom template?

How should I change my blog’s logo?

Change the order of the blog post archive

How to enable / disable adsense ads for the blog post widget ?

My blog is lost or forgot username / password of blogger blog

How to change scroll bar color and look and feel for a blog or website / web page?

Blogger Link list with the scroll bar support - link list with large set of links

How to change value of Older Post / Newer Post / Home for the blogger's blog

Enable / Disable receiving comments alert on email for blogger blog

How to make comments for blogger's blog moderated and How to moderate comments ?

Embed adsense ads withing post

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Friday, May 01, 2009

How to contact blogger for Lost / deleted blog, blogger bug, blogger issues and new feature request

If you wanted to contact blogger for any of the reasons: Your blog is locked, Your blog is deleted, report a bug to blogger or suggest some new feature to blogger. Please check the bellow links to do the same.

Contact Blogger support for account and TOS (Terms of Service) issues via Blogger Support Contact Form

You can post request on Google Blogger Help group. Here many independent blogger as well as blogger team are ready to solve your problem.

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How to remove links from the images uploaded to blogger post ?

As I have mentioned in my previous posts that how to disable copying of images from your blog? But now when you upload image to blogger blog it is uploaded with the link to the actual image location and on click on that link browser will open the image and any one will be able to copy the image from that location.

As you can see in this post I have removed link form images. Here is simple solution to disable / remove link from the image uploaded to blogger's post.

  • You must be knowing how to upload the image to the blog's post in the Compose mode.
  • After uploading image make sure you are in the Compose mode for the create post of you blog
  • Now scroll down to the image in the post, in this section select the image (single click on the image to select)
  • Now click on the Link button as shown in the bellow image
  • It will show popup dialog to specify link location make the text box blank and click on OK button and you can notice that the link from the uploaded image has been removed
  • Do any other changes you wanted to make for the post and click on the PUBLISH POST button and everything is done

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