Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Forgot Blogger Username / Password - My blog is stolen - My blog is lost
I have seen may people complaining about my blog is lost or my blog is stolen. When I logged in to my blogger account I can not find my blog over there. And I feel laugh for a second. Don't worry everyone you blog is not lost or stolen. It is there as it is. There are one of the following thing could happened with you also
1) You are using multiple blogger accounts to handle multiple blogs of yours.
- In this you need to fist list out all the accounts you have used for you blogs. And try to log-in with all different blogger accounts and verify that your blog exist in which blogger account
- If you have forgotten password of any of the account than try password recovery from this location http://www.blogger.com/forgot.g
- If you know the email address then type the email address in the input box next to Email Address and click on the LOOKUP button.
- Then check the email in the Inbox of the particular email id after 5-10 minutes
- If you do not find email in the Inbox check in other folders and labels also check in Archive and Spam folder
- Once you have received email follow the steps in the email to recover the password
2) You might don't remember the some blogger account
- In this case list out all email addresses you have used till now.
- Next thing is you should go to http://www.blogger.com/forgot.g
Here in the What is your blog's URL? section type the URL of you blog excluding .blogspot.com (e.g. my blog URL is http://technical-tejash.blogspot.com so I will type technical-tejash in the text input box ) and click on LOOKUP button
- Now go and login to all listed email account and check emails in Inbox, Folders, Labels, Archive and Trash / Deleted Items
- You must have received email from blogger in one of the email id. Now follow the instructions in the email and you can access your blog
- In case you need to perform step 1 and step 2 along with following steps
- When you login in to blogger dashboard you should scroll down to the last blog name
- Bellow the last blog name you find Show All link if you have any hidden blogs as shwon in bellow image
- Click on Show All link and you are able to view the all the hidden blogs.
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