Monday, October 09, 2006 - A website made 4 orkutians
Hey pals,
found this cool site - and which have lots of entertaining stuff for orkutians!
And don't worry about its Portuguese name, the site is available in both Portuguese as well as English! This site have perfectly legal content and i don't think you will be violating any Orkut terms & condition by using anything from this site!
Listing here major categories, believe me a complete menu will swamp my blog!!!!
- Messages: A huge collection of animated and static messages to send to your friends adding fun to their scrapbooks.
- Photos for your Profile: Now you can change your photo every day.
- Generators: Create your own messages and send them to your friends. You can use our generators to instantly create cool scraps.
- ASCII Art: Fun art for fun moments. A very different way to say what you want to say.
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