Monday, October 09, 2006
ORKUT: Most Awaited GreaseMonkey Scripts!
Please look at updated link for this one at
presenting you the most awaited GreaseMonkey Scripts...
These are by Vijay Bhaskar - Indian Blogger!
These scripts require FireFox and GreaseMonkey so first check out last section of this post if you don't have them!
Before using this scripts on you need to install GreaseMonkey extension to Firefox
Preparing For Installation:
1. Download FireFox if you don't have it!
2. Install GreaseMonkey extension for FireFox.
3. Close all FireFox windows and restart FireFox.
4. Now you are ready to install any GreaseMonkey Script you like!
1. ScrapDeleter (Install Now)
This script when loaded deletes scraps from scrapbook one-by-one. It starts deleting scraps automatically as and when scrapbook is loaded. So use carefully and Read Complete Article before installing this! I personally tested it and found its working!
2. Send One Scarp to all your friends (Install Now)
This is useful for the people who like to send one common scrap to all friends (in their friend-list). This script have two versions. Although this script can not guarantee the scrap will be sent to all friends, the problem is because of bad orkut server. But its success ratio may be more than 90%. Actually I could not test it on my dial-up connection! Read More...
3. Delete Multiple Message (Not scraps) (Install Now)
As part of code change, orkut does not provide now feature to delete multiple messages from message page. Here again GreaseMonkey Script comes to rescue for Orkutians. Read More....
4. Some Donuts For You! (Install Now)
Tired of "Bad, bad server. No donut for you..." message. This script automatically refresh the page showing this error. Give it a try! It can be useful for other scripts too! Read More...
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