Friday, August 29, 2008

Alphabetically Sort Favorites and Start Menus Sort Windows XP and Windows Vista

Alphabetically Sort Favorites and Start Menus Sort Windows XP and Windows Vista

If your Start Menu Program or Favorites are not sorting alphabetically, it is easy to fix this:

1. Go to "Start" Menu > Run

2. Type "Regedit" > click "OK" > this will open Regedit program

3. Go to HKEY_CURRENT_USER/Software/Microsoft/Windows/CurrentVersion/Explorer/MenuOrder

4. Under here is are Favorites and Start Menu or Start Menu2 folders also under Start Menu or Start Menu2 there is Programs folder

5. In each there is a value called Order

6. Simply delete (or rename this) and restart Windows

7. Your Favorites or Start Menus should now sort alphabetically

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