Monday, April 07, 2008

Particle Physics Data Grid Collaboratory Pilot (PPDG)

The Particle Physics Data Grid Collaboratory Pilot (PPDG) developed and deployed production Grid systems vertically integrated with experiment-specific applications, Grid technologies,Grid and facility computation and storage resources to form effective end-to-end capabilities. In 2005 & 2006 PPDG groups are deploye their systems and applications on the production Open Science Grid. PPDG was a collaboration of computer scientists with a strong record in Grid technology, and physicists with leading roles in the software and network infrastructures for major high-energy and nuclear experiments. The goals and plans were guided by the immediate and medium-term needs of the physics experiments and by the research and development agenda of the computer science groups. A record of the status and achievements are given in the project's Quarterly Reports.

PPDG has released the following News Items:

SRM Accomplishments in 2005
Open Science Grid "Open for Science"
US CMS Data Challenge 04 is Grid based.

D0 Physics using SAMGrid & Grid tools, (Top Quark Results at SciDAC 2005).

STAR Physics - Utilizing the Grid
Grid2003 - A Multi-VO Application Grid
Using the Virtual Data Toolkit
STAR/Hierachical Resource Manager
US/CMS Testbed Production
DZero uses DOESG certificates across the Atlantic
Sustained Production Data Movement over the Grid has resulted in: a factor of 2-10 more data transfer throughput, operational effort reduced by a factor of 2, a paradigm shift for distributed data processing from manual to automated bulk file transfers,earlier physics results. Job Scheduling over the Grid has resulted in: x2 Increase in efficiency to run jobs; 20-50% gain in resources through opportunistic use and distributed distributed resources; more confidence in physics results because of increased simulations. Grid2003 Project deployed a 6-VO 2600-CPU 26-site application grid providing benefit to 10 applications since November 2003. Biology Grid technologies hardened through PPDG providing Biology applications improvements of 5-10X in performance throughput.

STAR at RHIC: up to 5 TB a week between HPSS at BNL and LBNL using SRM; allowing next day access to fresh data for analysis led to 4 month turnaround for physics results. Average data transfer effectiveness x 10 times greater than before, resulting from less operational load.
D0 at Fermilab: 50 Terabytes through GridFTP into MSS. 100 million events reprocessed remotely to meet otherwise impossible publication milestone. Using multiple streams in GridFTP increased throughput a factor of 5.
U.S. ATLAS for LHC:>40 TB have been recorded from the distributed simulation sites in the U.S, 4 x more data collected. JLAB for Nuclear Physics: The time to simulate 30M events was reduced from 3+ months to 1 week, a 10X reduction in time.
U.S. CMS for LHC: 50 million events simulated through Condor-G with an overall factor 2 more efficiency than a year or two ago over Grid2003 28sites, 2600 CPUs. 30% jobs run on “opportunistic” resources. Execution of >75,000 jobs over the grid supported by a single FTE. GADU at ANL: scaling enhancements, reliability improvements, and feature development to GRAM, Condor-G, DAGMan, GridFTP, and the Replica Location Service (RLS). > 7.5M genome sequences were processed by GADU on Grid2003 resources at a throughput more than 5 times faster than the pre-Grid capabilities of this tool.

Trillium flower, three petals representing GriPhyN, PPDG, iVDGL, the US Physics Grid Projects The PPDG collaboration takes an active role in iVDGL and together with GriPhyN forms a collaboration of 3 US Grid projects for physics, symbolized by the Trillium flower. The leadership of PPDG contributes to international collaboration through work with the EGEE and LCG projects, and the Particle and Nuclear Physics Research Group at the GlobalGridForum, PPDG is collaborating with among others the DOE laboratories and LHC Experiments on the Open Science Grid U.S. based production Grid infrastructure. The Particle Physics Data Grid collaboration was formed in 1999 because its members were keenly aware of the need for Data Grid services to enable the worldwide distributed computing model of current and future high-energy and nuclear physics experiments.

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