Wednesday, January 03, 2007


  • Log into your Hotmail account with your username and password.
  • Click on the Mail tab on the top.
  • Open the mail.
  • If you do not see the headers above the mail message, your headers are not displayed . To display the headers,
    • Click on Options on the top-right corner
    • In the Mail Options page, click on Mail Display Settings
    • In Message Headers, make sure Advanced option is checked.
    • Click on Ok button
    • Go back to the mails and open that mail.
  • If you find a header with X-Originating-IP: followed by an IP address, that is the sender's IP address
    • Hotmail headers : Daniel ,In this case the IP address of the sender is []. This is be the IP address of the sender.
  • If you find a header with Received: from followed by a Gmail proxy like this
    • Hotmail headers : Daniel
    • Look for Received: from followed by IP address within square brackets[]. In this case, the IP address of the sender is [].
  • Or else if you have headers like this
    • Hotmail headers : Daniel
    • Look for Received: from followed by IP address within square brackets[].
      In this case, the IP address of the sender is [] .
  • If you have multiple Received: from headers, eliminate the ones that have

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